Northern Suburbs – Rental area

July 22, 2024

Cape Town’s Northern Suburbs has a very high demand in the rental market, which has led to a shortage of available properties to rent and unfortunately is causing a rise in rental prices.

This leads to a very competitive market, where properties in good condition and realistically priced are often filled before even advertising.

The shortage of good stock amounts to many applications on a property once it has hit the property portals and this can be very frustrating and stressful to potential tenants, who perhaps were not aware of these opportunities.

The Western Cape experiences a very high migration from other provinces, and the Northern Suburbs definitely offers excellent amenities, a great quality of life and a more affordable rental option than many other suburbs.

As an investment options, this is very attractive as it is not as volatile as other investment options and with reliable tenants and good standing rental payment performance been close to 90% in the region makes it a very positive option.

If you are looking for a quality relationship, choose P3 Properties to be the right Property Professional for you!

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