Selling – an Emotional Rollercoaster

July 5, 2024

When one decides to sell ones home it is fair to say that the decision has a significant emotional effect on you. There are many highs and lows experienced, but the feeling that one is losing built up memories and community friendships is hard to navigate.

In my experience I see that one of the biggest challenges that a seller has with selling the property is in letting go of the memories and personal experiences associated with the property.

Things that often trigger many emotions:

  • Establishing a selling price, although a property sale is transactional a seller views it as personal value based one as opposed to a market value based one.
  • Starting to declutter and prepping for the sale.
  • Opening the property to prospective buyers.

The best ways to navigate the storm is to recognise and acknowledge your emotions the whole time and focus on the positive, keeping in mind that new memories and opportunities will be created at your new home.

It also helps to stay informed about the transaction at all times and if you are feeling vulnerable do not be afraid to speak to friends, family or even the professionals that are assisting you.

Above all, look after yourself, breathe and remember if you have the right mindset this transition will not be about letting go but about embracing the growth and new opportunities.